A global pandemic
The world is in lockdown, global economies are under pressure, daily lives and activities have changed, there are different rules and a whole lot of the unknown. South Africa has been in lockdown for 5 weeks now and life has changed dramatically in that time, more for some than others but its something we all share. As a certified essential service, we have continued operating during this time and have seen quite a few of the impacts of COVID-19 on people directly and indirectly! We have looked at the direct health impacts of this virus and have been worked with a corona virus case. Indirectly, the virus has had an impact on many people’s careers, incomes and social restrictions. This is a very stressful time for all. We have seen a surge in demand in cannabis products locally and nationally and an increase in online sales as people learn how to benefit from ordering and receiving products from the comfort of their home. But most importantly we have seen how many people are struggling to sleep! We have taken the time to focus on reaching out to all our clients and getting to know their struggles and needs on a more personal level, and hearing it from those who have already seen the benefits.
You can read about one such our experience with dealing with the corona virus here. I have had my own worries and fears to deal with and have been started taking Nature’s Relief CBD calm drops to help manage my stress. It is still early to give a full report back but so far I have seen an improvement in my overall mood and ability to cope with everyday worry and anxiety that we all seem to be dealing with. Read on to learn more about our experience with managing stress and anxiety with CBD.
Increase in insomnia cases
There is no doubt that this lockdown has affected us all in our own personal capacity in some way. One thing we have noticed across the board is that many people that are struggling to sleep do so because of heightened stress or pain and discomfort. We also have seen some of those are struggling even more due to all the unknowns due to COVID-19 and the stress related that. In fact, a recent poll in the USA, 76% of Americans said that their sleep had been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 crisis. We wanted to look more closely at the causes behind this and to offer solutions to help people get a better night’s sleep. Sleep is vital for a healthy immune system and we want to ensure that everybody is in top physical condition to ensure that they can face any challenges that may come up.
There are many reasons why getting enough sleep is so important. Below are some of the effects of not getting enough sleep
Information overload
Many of our clients have expressed to us that they feel lethargic during the day but when it comes to bedtime, their minds start racing and they are unable to sleep.
This is an all too common theme. During the day, we take in an incredible amount of information, the boundaries of communication have disappeared and there are people contacting you from all different directions expecting replies. And now with the lockdown, we’re taking in more than ever, and there seems to be an information overload.
You may find yourself constantly checking the news for the latest updates concerning the coronavirus, as there is new information coming out every second of the day! Not only that, but we seem to be on our phones a lot more then usual catching up with friends and families and replying to work emails. All this information is keeping your mind racing, you are in constant response mode, always on alert. Perhaps you have even created scenarios while lying in bed that do not even exist, thinking about conversations with people and how you would respond in different situations. We are all guilty of letting our minds run away with us.
This pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in our lives and if you are struggling with insomnia or overwhelming feelings of anxiety, know that you are not alone, we have testimonials from people who are going through the same thing as you. and that we are here to help in any capacity that we can.
The light on our phones:
We highly recommend that you limit your screen time at night. Did you know that the blue light that emits from the television, cell phone or tablet can delay the release of melatonin in your body and increase alertness. You also want to avoid information overload and rather wind down and prepare your body for rest. Take a break from all the news and just unplug. We recommend journaling or reading a fun book with your favourite cup of tea. We love the Nature’s Relief Moringa and Rooibos tea as Moringa is a powerful antioxidant and Rooibos contains magnesium which helps you to sleep better. Add a spoon of Nature’s Relief canna honey to see and you will be sure to blissfully drift off to dreamland.
Weight gain and diabetes
Did you know that there is a link between sleep and weight gain? Studies have shown that people who sleep less, struggle to lose weight. This is important to note as
a person who is overweight is more likely to suffer from diabetes. Diabetes can lead to a number of health complications and even put you at higher risk of death.
A lack of sleep can also cause you to crave more sugar as you require more energy which of course can contribute to diabetes. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your health during this time with sleep being the most important focus.
A lack of sleep also puts you at greater risk for heart disease and a stroke. Not only that, but sleep improves your immune function making you more likely to be able to fight off a virus. Sleep protects the protein and cells in your immune system and helps your body to detect and destroy bugs and germs. Most importantly, a good night’s rest can improve your mood and make you more productive during the day.
Our team and how we can help
The team at Nature’s Relief consists of quite a diverse group of people. We have a qualified homeopath, biochemist, a psychology major and even a social worker. We often find ourselves in quite intense conversations, discussing the ways in which we can best help people.
We have done some interesting research during this time and have looked at the issue of sleep extensively. Everybody in our team have been taking different treatments and reporting back on the effects.
A treatment that has really stood out to us during this time is the CBD 600mg Calm oil. This blend is made up of a broad-spectrum CBD and a calming terpene blend. CBD has commonly been used to treat insomnia as it has a calming effect on the central nervous system which reduces anxiety. Our team was advised to take 10 drops before bed, and we are happy to say that every member benefitted from this product. One of our staff members had this to say; “I found I stopped fidgeting and tossing and turning so much and was able to ease into a peaceful night of sleep, rest and recovery’.
After conducting this ‘experiment’ on ourselves, there are other recommendations we can make to ensure you get a better night’s sleep.
Reach out
If you feel like you are not coping, please reach out to somebody. Nature’s Relief offers free in store or telephonic consultations. We are here to listen, learn and help. We want to walk this journey with you. This pandemic is something that none of us ever predicted or were prepared for. We believe it is important to be there for one another during this time but to also take care of our own health and well-being. We are so grateful for the support and positive feedback we have received from our customers during this time. We appreciate and care about each of you and we want to help wherever we can.