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Managing hyperactivity, the natural way

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Increased awareness surrounding ADHD


ADHD, attention deficit hyper-activity disorder, affects 6.1 million children in the US alone according to the centre for disease control. There is an increase of the number of reported cases of ADHD and this could be because there is more awareness and better ways of diagnosing ADHD but this increase could also be due to the stress and performance expectations of school children which has a negative effect on mental health. Fortunately, there are many ways to assist with the management of ADHD. Medication, such as Ritalin and concerta, have been shown to be effective in the management of ADHD. However, these stimulants may come with side effects and many parents are looking natural methods to assist with the symptoms of ADHD such as exercise, diet, memory training and natural supplementation. We wanted to take a closer look at ways to manage the symptoms of ADHD to make an informed decision.

The difference between concerta and Ritalin


Concerta and Ritalin are the most commonly prescribed medications to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Both concerta and Ritalin contain the same active ingredient, methylphenidate (psychostimulant).  Methylphenidate inhibits the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine, increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the space between the two nerve cells. Although these drugs are called stimulants, they have a calming effect when administered to both children and adults. The difference between concerta and Ritalin is the manner in which methylphenidate is released and how long the person has to wait before the medication is taken again. Concerta is an extended-release drug. Methylphenidate is slowly released over time and is active for 10 – 12 hours. Concerta is usually taken in the morning. There is no need to take the drug again until the next day. Ritalin is a short-acting drug. Upon taking it, methylphenidate is immediately released. The effects of Ritalin last for 4 – 6 hours in most cases. In order to experience the effects of Ritalin, it requires frequent dosing throughout the day.

Side effects of concerta and Ritalin


Unfortunately, concerta and Ritalin can cause quite a few side effects. Reported side effects include Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. These stimulants have also been found to increase blood pressure. Patients have reported dry mouth, dizziness, headaches, anxiety, blurred vision, skin rashes, sweating and numbness or tingling of the hands or feet. This medication can also cause behavioural problems such as irritability, aggressiveness, hallucinations, and sleep problems, especially if medication is taken in the late afternoon or evening. One of the biggest concerns with ceasing these medications are the withdrawal symptoms. Methylphenidate withdrawal occurs when a person suddenly stops taking any drug that contains methylphenidate as an active ingredient such as Ritalin and concerta. Withdrawal symptoms can include Irritability, hyperactivity, or lethargy and can lead to feelings of depression or mood swings.

Natural nootropics


While we recognize the powerful effect that Ritalin has in helping to manage ADHD, consideration must be taken when prescribing this medication as it is a schedule 6 drug and comes with many side effects. Many parents are choosing to look for natural alternatives in assisting with the management of ADHD. We developed Nature’s Relief Neuropro Nootropic blend to assist with enhancing cognition and mental clarity. This Blend can assist with reducing stress and anxiety and help increase alertness. It contains neuroprotective and anti-aging properties. Nootropics are chemicals that may improve brain or cognitive function. This unique blend of three synergistic ingredients is made up of 300mg nano CBD, 3000mg cacao extract and 4500mg Lion’s Mane extract.

CBD as a nootropic


CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD is a natural nootropic. CBD oil is used for the management of many health conditions ranging from pain to epilepsy. CBD oil also has nootropic benefits for cognition.

CBD oil may have neuroprotective effects and therefore may be beneficial in the management of neurological disorders such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. According to research, CBD may reduce inflammation and prevent cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease patients.

Anxiety and depression may affect mental health, cognitive abilities, physical health and overall well-being. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters that assist to regulate mood and CBD may influence the brain’s receptors for serotonin. CBD oil may reduce symptoms of anxiety, social anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Chronic stress may cause health issues such as fatigue, chronic pain, inflammation, brain fog and chronic health problems. Reducing stress is important for boosting cognitive abilities and maintaining health. CBD may combat stress by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Quality sleep on a regular basis is crucial for cognitive health. CBD oil may assist in the management of insomnia by increasing overall amount and quality of sleep. Pain and inflammation may cause a difficulty in concentration during the day. According to research, CBD may reduce chronic inflammation and pain.

Optimal brain and cognitive function as well as overall health depends on a healthy immune system. CBD oil may decrease inflammation in the body and assist to fight infections. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and CBD may support a healthy immune response. CBD may therefore enable the brain to function at its best by keeping the immune system strong and maintaining a healthy body.



Cacao contains a wide variety of compounds. The most famous of these is theobromine, a bitter alkaloid compound. Theobromine acts as a mild stimulant and is slightly similar to caffeine. There are many health benefits of theobromine. Theobromine has been shown to reduce blood pressure and increase HDL (the good cholesterol). According to research, theobromine has cognitive enhancement properties. It can increase mental calmness and improve focus, concentration, and visual processing of information, according to studies. Theobromine potentially has anti-inflammatory properties.

Lion’s Mane as a nootropic


Lion’s Mane has been taken to improve memory and assist patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.  Lion’s Mane may improve nerve development and function. Lion’s Mane may prevent nerve damage. It may improve cognition. When taken with CBD oil, they may decrease cognitive decline.

Lion’s Mane may stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). NGF (a protein), is required for the maintenance, survival, and regeneration of neurons. Many users report a boost in mood and mental energy with continued use of Lion’s Mane. Some users report an improvement in decision-making, problem solving and learning. Lion’s Mane may decrease anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Lion’s Mane is considered very safe and non-toxic. Very few side effects are reported.

The following testimonial was given from one of our clients:


After being prescribed to take 20mg of Ritalin with an extra 10mg if I felt I needed it, I started to recluse and had severe anxiety when I needed to connect with people and especially if I needed to go into crowds. I began to experience regular headaches which resulted in me not exercising which is something that I value hugely. After hearing about Nature’s Relief and going for a consultation, I started taking the Neuropro Nootropics seven months ago, which I am SO GRATEFUL for. This product which allows me to stay focused and function in a proactive manner, it gives me an energy boost and I can feel mental clarity without side-effects. I am also grateful that I have reconnected to myself. I feel confident and healthy and have the ability to reconnect with people and I have started running again, more regularly and further than I was before. I take 10-20 drops in my tea or coffee every day. I definitely recommend going for a consultation at Nature’s Relief and appreciate them and their mission as a whole.
Jess; 24

Nature’s Relief does not claim to cure any ailments or conditions. We do, however, believe in educating ourselves on alternative treatments to make an informed decision. If you have a child with ADHD, why not make an appointment with our in-house health specialist (homeopath) in order to gain more information. Give us a call to book your free consultation at your convenience.

Durban – 081 441 6701
Johannesburg – 063 502 2974





The youth of today are the future of tomorrow
CBD and the immune system



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