An increase in Stress
‘Stress’ is becoming an increasingly popular topic of discussion within the health world as its effects can most often be traced after the manifestation of any illness. With the pace at which we live today, the foods that we feed ourselves, the thoughts that we think, there is no wonder the world as a collective is becoming chronically ill.
We spoke to gut health specialist, Kate Arnott, about the effects of stress on the body and how to manage it.
If we take a closer look at the word ‘disease’ we can see that what we’re actually experiencing is a ‘lack of ease’ within the body, mind and soul.
The physiological effects of stress (particularly chronic stress) have been studied at length. This includes all kinds of stress such as mental, emotional, physical – which ultimately all play into one another. You may not feel ‘stressed’ per se, however what is reflecting in your body might show otherwise.
This is typically due to elevated cortisol (a hormone released in response to various stressors), which over a long period of time starts to negatively affect the functioning of various organ systems, blood sugar levels, hormones, and the immune system.
Manage your stress
From my personal experience, I feel the most effective ‘preventative health care’ tool is quite simply, learning to manage your stress levels. There are many ways in which we can learn to manage stress and if you are particularly susceptible, this must become a moment-to-moment practice. A consistent, conscious connection to your body to know when you might be slipping out of alignment.
Notice your breath
The first tool is to become aware of your breathing. Notice how you breathe when you are relaxed vs when you are not. And with this awareness, constantly regulating your breathing, slowing down in order to calm your nervous system, shifting you out of the stress response. I tend to place my hand over my heart to feel the connection between my heartbeat and breath. This also elicits a sense of self-compassion which is essential on this journey.
Beginning a yoga and/ or meditation practice can be amazingly effective in learning to ‘listen’ to your body’s intricacies, breathe and contemplate from a space of equanimity.
Cultivate a healthy lifestyle
The second tool I would recommend is cultivating a healthy, enjoyable diet and exercise routine. Minimizing any tendencies toward obsession and ‘over-doing’ it as this will cause more stress. A constant reflection pre meal and workout of your intention is helpful as it should never feel like a chore. Rather a way for you to nourish your body, mind, and soul simultaneously.
Become aware of your thoughts
Lastly, becoming acutely aware of the thoughts that you think. Any negative thoughts towards others or yourself feeds the momentum of poor wellbeing. This extends to what you watch, the people you spend time with and the work you do. The more positivity you can cultivate on a daily basis, the less subtle stress you will experience and the more resilient to stress you will become.
Supplements for stress
Oftentimes, supplements can be immensely helpful as an addition to the personal work you put in to managing your stress. Owing to the balancing effects of CBD on the body, taking a CBD to supplement your stress management practices would be effective. CBD also helps to mitigate some of the effects of stress on the body. In addition to this, Reishi has a calming effect on the nervous system and is highly effective is modulating the immune system.
Nature’s Relief CBD Calm
Nature’s Relief has developed a CBD specifically to help with Stress. Nature’s Relief CBD Calm is a safe and effective way of managing anxiety around stressful situations. CBD works by affecting the body’s endocannabinoid system which naturally produces cannabinoids, such as anandamide. This cannabinoid acts upon the body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors and plays a key role in regulating fear and anxiety. CBD has also been found to increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter which controls mood and behaviour. Serotonin has at least 14 different receptors, but CBD specifically binds to 5-HT1A which is thought to have the strongest role in anxiety disorders. Using CBD to treat stress is a safe and effective way of managing anxiety around stressful situations.
Stress-ease roller
Our stress ease roller is an excellent way to help keep calm and relax by applying it to the temple and under the nose. This roller contains Hops, St. Johns wort, valerian root, chamomile, lavender, lemongrass, magnesium and MSM which are all good for stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and hyperadrenalism.
Calm Nootropic with Reishi
If you are looking for an easy quick boost in the morning to help ease anxiety, we have developed a single serving shot that will help ease your nerves. This is a blend of nano CBD and reishi, perfect for the day when you have a lot on your mind, and you need to take the edge off to focus on the task at hand. The Nature’s Relief Reishi tincture is also great for easing the symptoms of stress. Reishi contains a compound called triterpene which is a mood boosting compound that may alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression.
More about Kate Arnott
Kate is a Nutrition Scientist and a yoga teacher with a 500 hour yoga teacher training qualification. Kate believes in empowerment through movement, nutrition and environment.
You can find more information on Kate on her website:
Or follow Kate on Instagram:
Kate also talks a lot about stress, gut and associated conditions on her Instagram page, Nutritional Alchemy: