
Exercise and mental health

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It has almost been a year since the worldwide lockdown was announced. Many of us are still working from home which means that it will soon be a full year of spending most of our time isolated, in one place. But there have been some benefits from working from home as we find new ways of increasing productivity and customer satisfaction. Research shows a 22% increase in productivity among employees who work from home about their colleagues who were working from their office space.

The downside of this, however, is that this may have an impact on your mental health. It may be progressive and subtle but working from home can create a sense of loneliness, stress, and anxiety. It transforms the way you interact with your colleagues and peers and reduces your ability to track your milestones.

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Mental health benefits of exercise

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We want to encourage you to take a step back and check in, what does your lifestyle look like now? We are still restricted by lockdown regulations and we also still need to consider our health and safety. However, physical movement is a free and safe practice that comes in various forms which we can adopt into our daily practice. Now, more than ever, people need to be as active as they can be.

Did you know that exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on your mental health? Studies have found that exercising (running) for just 15 minutes a day can reduce the risk of major depression by 26%. Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin to your brain that help to improve your mood. Exercise also helps to pump blood to your brain which helps you think more clearly.

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Finding motivation

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Have you lost your sense of motivation to move? Don’t be so hard on yourself, take it in small steps but try to be consistent. Going for three twenty-minute walks for the first week will help you get out of the house, breathe in the fresh air and move your body. The following week challenge yourself by doing 30 minutes and keep it that way. Give your body extra support with our Moringa and Nootropics.

Nature’s Relief Moringa is an excellent supplement to keep your body strong and healthy. Moringa can be used to boost energy, as an antioxidant, assist in anti-aging, fights disease, helps build muscle, helps to burn fat, supports a healthy immune system, supports healthy blood glucose levels, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels,and is a complete source of vitamins and minerals. Nature’s Relief Nootropic Energy is a blend of CBD, Cordyceps, and Maca with Vitamin B12. This is excellent for the day when your body feels a bit heavy and tired and needs an energy boost to get the engine running.

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Challenge yourself but look after yourself

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For the person who has already fallen in love with exercise; we all love a challenge and pushing yourself to reach your goals takes consistent work which can often put a strain on your body causing inflammation. This is usually the point that proves to be the most challenging to get through. The exhausted breath that hits you, the muscle soreness that you experience after your training, and the stiffness you feel in the morning, including joint pain, are all signs of inflammation during your workout. Both your body’s immune system and inflammation levels are important for your recovery in between training. Many of us find huge mental benefits through exercise and avoid the necessary rest and recovery needed for our body to come back to its natural state before we go again.

This is why our NanoTech CBD Sport is the perfect supplement for the person who is exercising frequently because of the blend of cannabis and terpenes that were used to create it to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness whilst bringing your body to its natural state, allowing you to recover between sessions and progress with fewer setbacks.

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